Of the commentators who said things along the lines of "Oh yeah, a rich white lady telling other minorities how to treat rich white ladies."
Wait, Did you hear the part where she acknowledged women helping to fight the causes of minorities? I'm pretty sure that's what she was getting at. Do women not deserve equality because some minorities are still fighting for their equality? No, we ALL get to fight. Why should women continue to put their needs aside waiting for all the minorities to get equality BEFORE she gets her turn? They are ALL valid arguments. Women should not continue to be put last on the list just because you want your rights FIRST.
And number two, Who else is going to speak up in a forum where people will listen other than rich white ladies? I'm a lower-middle class white lady. Who is listening? No one, that's who.
I remember one year there was an argument because Julia Roberts starred in a film and in the same year Tom Hanks starred in a film. She was paid several million less, but her movie brought in several million more. Now, I realize the amount they get paid is based on a contract signed before the success of the film, but the article I read pointed out that the following year, they both starred in films and their wages both increased, but Roberts' was still substantially lower. While it's hard for us who struggle to make $50,000 a year to understand complaints by people making MILLIONS a year, the point is still the same.
Is the pay equal for equal work? (I apologize. I read this article years ago so I can't even begin to think where to find the information. The celebs might not even be right, but I am pretty sure it was those two.)
Of those people who said things along the lines of "Women get paid less because of life choices" ie, having babies.
Hey, fucker, are you going to have the babies? Please. You'd have one cramp and kill yourself. Allowances need to be made. I don't know any guy whose wages would be lowered in expectation that he might have to take time off work for heart surgery or cancer treatments - both of which could easily be a result of YOUR life choices and don't provide the only thing to continue human life on earth. Unless you want there to be NO MORE generations of children AT ALL, then women should not be punished for having wombs.
Of those who use the arguments that women don't get paid less, there is so much incredible evidence proving you wrong, I don't know where to begin. Just because you listen to colloquial stories of OTHER RICH WHITE MEN, doesn't make you right.
What exactly are these men / non-"female equality advocates" afraid of? That somehow if women get paid more, you will get paid less? In the long run, it's possible your raises will be slightly less in order to budget women getting equal pay, but how do you prove that? The fact is, no one is going to come in and say "Well, Sally does the same job as Sam, but he's getting $6,000 more a year so let's give Sally a $3,000 raise and cut Sam's wages by $3,000," are they?
So why are you so incredibly defensive? Why is it so important to make sure you think women are not worth as much as men? It only make YOU look bad, not women. Good job!