Friday, August 22, 2014

How the government creates ROAD RAGE!

I'm actually a really patient driver.  I used to be a road rager (On a 1-10 scale, probably up around 8 so I considered myself reserved in comparison to the nines and tens out there), but something came over me and I realized I couldn't let traffic hurt my psyche, energy levels, and non-driving life any more so I worked at it and now a bad day is when I get to about 5.  (Plus I think of the whole children-starving-in-Africa thing to remind myself that this isn't really a problem)

Except Sandy and Midvale seem to be working together to create road rage. (Children may be starving in Africa, but I have to live my life right here.) I live somewhere off the upper left side of this map.  My daughter's school is somewhere off to the right.  During the hours she is going to or from school, all those YELLOW areas are ORANGE (meaning slow, but still moving).  Note also that the dark red doesn't mean slow, it means the road is actually closed completely in most situations.  Oh, and High Point Parkway?  It has both directions sharing one side of the road and they close it down completely whenever it's convenient for them.  They don't even have that marked as a construction zone so there are probably others that aren't marked. (click to enlarge)

HOW THE FUCK am I supposed to get home?  Without road rage, that is.  Because you have flaggers in all those orange areas.  It wastes our gas and our time.  It would be one thing, too, if this hadn't been going on FOR THE LAST SIX MONTHS!  Yeah, they started before the kids got out of school and most of those zones started as soon as the snow began to melt in February or March.  (The area at the very top of the map has been going FOR MORE THAN A YEAR!  and happens to be in the way of getting to a friend's house.)

1300 East was totally rebuilt, repaved, and "beautified" just two years ago.  Last year, they chopped into the gutters and sidewalks to put in the grates and curb cuts they didn't do when they undertook the huge project.  Now they are putting new piping for utilities under the road.  Really?  You had no idea those were getting outdated?  Also, they took out all the left turn lanes to "beautify" with islands and trees.  Had they left the turn lanes, they could keep straightway traffic going by laying the new pipes under the turn lane.  Instead, they are pulling up the lanes of traffic beside those islands... but in a lot of cases they are pulling out the trees they planted just 2 years ago so that they have some place to park their trucks and other construction vehicles.  As bad as it is for me, I'm glad I don't live in the huge apartment complex or the neighborhoods right in the middle of this map.

WHAT! the FUCK!  It is impossible and seems endless.  Their webpage says the one that has been going over a year should be finished by April 23.  Of what year?  Because they are still working on it.

GAH!  I am just beyond words at this point.  Again, if it was a continuing project that I felt they were working to complete, that would be one thing.  Instead this has been going on for months and driving past it daily, I don't see ANY progress.  It looks the exact same every damn day.  FOR MONTHS!

I remember when I was a new driver, they did small sections, big crews, and did start to finish it a few days or, worst case, a few weeks.  Then they moved on.  Instead, keep in mind, all those green bits of road are still filled with cones and barricades to remind you to narrow down so from a driver's perspective, it's never ending.  They're also working on bits of 13th farther north and south of here so if you want to avoid construction, you cannot use one of the main roads throughout the valley ANYWHERE along the way.  Each construction crew looks like 2-3 guys doing the work so I'm thinking they broke up the task by jobs - tearing up the road, digging, hauling, repaving, etc and that each group is scheduled after the previous is done so there is probably a waiting period in between each part of the job.  This drags it out eternally.

I expect you have guys sitting in an office planning the road construction on a piece of paper and forgetting that they should be planning it as if they lived in the neighborhoods nearby and had to deal with it day in and day out.  Puny brained.