Well, since I get to spend my birthday babysitting someone else's kid - oh joy - my brain is turning to mush so I could ramble some more.
High school reunions. So, I was on the lost list at the 5th. I was rather fine with that since a) I never fit in and b) it makes a hilarious story. After high school, I lived at home and went to college. After finishing my Junior College work, I moved to a college in the same state and went for the upper division level work. I still had all my mail delivered home since I came home every weekend. Ran out of money, moved back home and transferred credits to the University of Utah - the college I bet a majority of my classmates attended. Got engaged, marrried, moved about 2 miles from the home I lived in when I attended HS. My parents still lived there and they weren't even forwarding all of my mail yet. They didn't bother to send an invite to my parents. I found out I was on the lost list from a friend who had moved to Missouri.
Anyway, at the 10 year, I made myself found, helped with the webpage, and attended the reunion. I don't know why. It just seemed like if you don't go, you're saying you're afraid of these kids who used to tease you, I guess. Instead I learned that if you're an outsider in HS, you're still one at the reunion. Seemed like a bunch of shallow, bored wives with snooty attitudes and guys who were bored with their lives and their jobs. The rest of the people were trying so hard to prove that they were better off and awesome, that they seemed boring and pathetic to me.
I had a 3 year old adopted daughter, a hubby who made me happy and who, at the time, enjoyed his job, and things were good. No complaints. So, nothing to talk about. I got bored and went home after letting my kid play at the park for a bit.
Hubby went to his 20 year and he had a good time, but I have to be honest. Unless one of my friends wanted to go, I can't see the point. Everyone will be trying to prove they've made something of themselves. Maybe I'm insecure because I haven't. If only I had a published novel then, well, I still wouldn't care what they think so...what.... I would go use it for marketing? Yeah, that sounds like good times.
I still have a couple friends from HS. There are a few I wouldn't mind seeing, but half of them were a year ahead so wouldn't be at my reunion anyway and the other half didn't go to the 10 so who cares? I know they say if they were really friends, you'd have kept in touch, but things don't really work that way for everyone.
HS reunions. Why do we go? Do we care?
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